DTF Compact 600+

The DTF systems are a revolution for the digital printing industry. For some companies or areas of application, a “full-size” solution is either not interesting in terms of price, or there is simply not enough space in the production area.

Lynx Germany has the solution for this: DTF compact.
With dimensions of 2.1m x 1.2 meters, the DTF compact represents a very interesting alternative to the large machines. Equipped with two Epson i3200 print heads and a resolution of either 1440 dpi, 2160 dpi or 2880 dpi, you can print the best achieve print quality.

Absolute Speed and great precision



Technical Specifications

DTF Compact 600+
Available width
600 mm
Print media
Epson i3200 x2
1440/2160/2880 dpi
Pressure speed
10m2/h, 6Pass or 8m2/h, 8Pass
Stage extraction
sog adjustable
Powder control
Powder hopper control, powder and quantity control, etc.
Powder shaking aid
Front heating plate, two-stage dryer, cold fan, automatic recording system, rotary touch screen
Print interface
Network connection (RJ-45)
Standard Printfactory (6 Monate)
Operating system
Windows 7, Windows 10
Temperature / Humidity
15-30 °C, 35-65 %

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